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Frantic Mid Atlantic Guitar Show Delaware TRADING POST REGISTRATION

2025 Mid Atlantic Guitar Show Trading Post


Got something to sell or trade? 

This year, we will have a dedicated suite off the main exhibit floor called the TRADING POST, on Saturday, March 22, 2025, from 9:30 AM and 4:30 PM. Due to limited space - only 1 item per person is allowed. You must have a Trading Post Seller Ticket purchased online in advance, they are $35 and include: 1 admission ticket for Saturday, March 22, 2025, and 1 guaranteed, dedicated space for your item for Saturday, March 22, 2025. YOU MUST PROVIDE YOUR OWN STAND.

Limited spots are available - deadline to register an item is March 20, 2025, or until all spots are filled.


  • Sellers  must be pre-registered to be guaranteed a space. Your item will be checked-in and tagged at the designated Trading Post entrance to the Exhibit Hall.

  • Valid Government I.D. will be collected from the seller at registration and a claim-check will be issued. Upon checking-out present your copy of the receipt or your claim-check and your I.D. will be returned to you at that time.

  • Sellers must sign a waiver form stating that the seller is the legal owner of the item.

  • Pre-Registered ticket holders may bring in ONE item to Sell or Trade and will be guaranteed a dedicated space to display their item, and must supply their own stand. Cases for guitars must be left in the suite in order to allow owners to be able to “shop” their uncased instrument on the sales floor.

  • Transactions shall take place in the area set up in the Trading Post suite. 

  • An official 3-part receipt (provided by the organizers) must be filled out for all sales/trades. The seller keeps 1 copy to show at check-out, and the buyer receives 2 copies – one of which will be given to event organizers upon check-out.)

  • Items cannot be taken out of the building without a receipt/seller claim check.


  • All deals are strictly between the parties involved. 

  • Sellers must sign a Hold Harmless Agreement stating the organizers/promoters – Mid Atlantic Guitar Show, Frantic Music Project, Frantic Frets Music & Antiques, Atlantic Sands Hotel & Conference Center, or any volunteers, employees, or assigns are not responsible for items, lost/damaged, injury or any sales, trades, purchases.

  • NO SALES/PURCHASES/TRADES shall occur outside of the Exhibit Hall.

  • No trades/deals are to be conducted anywhere on the grounds of Atlantic Sands Hotel, or adjacent street/parking lot. Any Exhibitor or Attendee participating in these outside deals will be asked to leave immediately. No refund, full or partial, will be issued.

  • No bootleg, illegal, knockoff, stolen, or unlicensed items. NO EXCEPTIONS. It is against the law to offer any of the above for sale/trade and anyone attempting to sell or trade these items will be asked to leave and no refund will be issued. 


  • NO Outdoor Food or Alcohol. 

While we cannot enforce this, if you have a number of items you are trying to sell, please BE RESPECTFUL of our show organizers and the exhibitors who paid to be at the show, and purchase a table. Advertising other items for sale other than the one you have registered, is not cool. We would like to make this an enjoyable experience for everyone.

Frantic Music Project

Frantic Music Project

Frantic Music Project, Inc. is an IRS-recognized 501(c)(3) public charity. Donations are tax deductible, please contact your tax professional for information. EIN 88-0622289

©2023 by Frantic Music Project, Inc.

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